Our Birth – 2015
The concept to have a designing company naming AadLabs started in 2015.
With a vision to serve small scale companies with limited resources who can barely spend on their website designing, we the team of 4 started marketing, development and delivering our work, It took almost one year to take this concept on board.
By 2016, we were ready to fly.
One Year Later -2016
One year of startup gave us very good exposure to the market trends. Taste to have a customized website was in trend. Now the client’s requirements was to have unique website with extra effects and catchy.
So we started serving websites with catchy and extra css animations. Mostly at that time clients requirements were of a static website and that was not an issue for us to create.
We completed almost 6 projects including small and big companies. And that was a good start for us.

Three Years Later – Till Date
By this year we have created and designed 50+ projects.
That includes more than 26 HTML5 projects, 10+ eCommerce Projects,
Few projects on WordPress and few on Magento 1.9 and 2.0
Our Skills
- Css
- Java
- Magento
- WordPress
- Codeigniter
Primary Skills
- Html5
- Css
- java
- magento
- WordPress

Two Years Later -2017
Now we are well capable to start Social Media Marketing. Now we are trying to find clients for Social Media Optimoztion. And luckily we found few clients and started optimization for them.
Along with this now we have started targeting clients for eCommerce and Dynamic Web Designing and this was a new revolution in our business.